Our mission is to help you engage and lead your business to noticeably improve your customer experience for a stronger return

What we know


To be a leading brand and providing great customer experience doesn't happen by accident



The speed at which customer expectations are changing is only going to accelerate



Sustained success will be the result of continuously making decisions that are connected with your customers' expectations and that keep your brand promise



Continuously analysing and anticipating customer needs and intentionally designing and delivering differentiating customer experiences that keep the promise


We help leaders and organisations improve their customer experience, and build the capabilities, culture and competencies that are fit for purpose and for the future.


You know your customer experience is critical to your company success, and you need a hand to gain buying and shape your strategy and roadmap

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Accelerate: You want to fix a specific customer experience issue, accelerate and drive value realisation

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Embed: You’re looking for help to make more impact and embed a customer centric culture

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Are you starting or accelerating on your customer experience journey and need support to address a specific challenge?

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Do you want to maximise your performance with someone in the background saving you the learning curve?

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Are you looking to advance your professional development, for yourself, your team or your company?

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On demand Benchmark

Do you need to identify gaps in your organization to achieve optimal performance?


Why CX-impact?


Because we are former CX practitionners, we have been in your shoes, we have made mistakes so you don't have to...


We thrive on making a meaningful difference, leaving things better than we found them for colleagues and customers.



We always share our experience, energy and learnings to speed up your journey and give you and your customers great value.



We’re open and honest and will share things as they are, holding up the mirror so you can get closer to customers and make informed decisions.



We’ll challenge you and support you to meet ambitious objectives. We’ll drive hard for results whilst recognising your heroes and creating a positive momentum for your customer experience programme.


Olivier Mourrieras

Olivier provides through Paris-based CX-Impact, personalized advice and coaching support for leaders who want to start, accelerate or reboot their customer experience strategies.

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Benoit Rengade

Benoit is a BAIN & COMPANY Independent Advisor. Benoit has been serving as Voice of Customer Director for Michelin Group.

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Laurence Body

Laurence is an expert in customer experience management and human-centred design. She runs X+M, a studio that helps old economy players, public administrations and territories to innovate through customer experience and human-centred service design.

Balazs Szabo

Balazs Szabo is one of those rare breeds with the combination of competencies and expertise in lean six sigma, customer experience and digital.

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Virginie Mallié

Virginie runs all the events, training coordination and back-office functions at CX-impact. She is also the founder of V2M which provides Administrative and Human Resources support to medium size businesses.

You know your customer experience is critical to your company success, and you need a hand to shape and gain buy-in on your strategy and capability roadmap

We will help you set up a leading customer strategy and specifically

- Create an alignment among your colleagues and leadership team around the desired experience, what makes your brand so unique (your North Star)

- identify what capabilities are already in-house, what's missing and how to fill the gap between current and target state.

- Identify your sources of customer insights and how to strengthen your set up so that all your colleagues can take better decisions, faster.

- Map your current customer journey and identify key areas of improvement and moment of truth that need redesign.

You are looking for help to improve your personal impact and embed a customer centric culture

We will help you

- design and deploy roles, responsibilities, cross-functional governance, objectives and rewards for optimal colleague engagement and empowerment

- upgrade your colleagues and your skills and competencies through best in class training: Mastering CX (ideal preparation for professional CX qualification) and Service Design

- make the best of your limited resource without going for a full consulting engagement with a bi-weekly coaching programme.

Do you want to fix a specific customer experience issue, accelerate and drive value realisation?

We will help you

- drive innovation and improvement sprints in less than 10, 30 or 90 days (Agile and Service Design)

- create and deploy your omnichannel innovation and improvement roadmap based on your customer needs and drivers

- measure the impact through an effective KPI steering mechanism

- identify your organisation's level of customer experience maturity and how to embed the capabilities that are required to continuously deliver that differentiating edge your customers expect

CX-impact 2024 - Minden jog fenntartva! Készítette Laszlo Vincze

    Mastering Customer Experience
    - Tantermi képzés Bangkok

    2024 Július 2-3. 08.30-16.30 CET


      Mastering Customer Experience
      - Tantermi képzés Bangkok

      2024 Július 2-3. 08.30-16.30 CET


        Mastering Customer Experience classroom Paris

        30th Nov - 1st December 08.30-16.30 CET


          Mastering Customer Experience
          Online course

          18th - 21st Oct 2022 08.30-12.30 CET


            Ügyfélélmény mester kurzus - Tantermi képzés Görögország

            Május 3-4. 08.30-16.30 CET


            Get in touch

            If your interest is urgent, please use the telephone number listed below. Otherwise, we will reply by email as soon as possible. We are here to help!

              Olivier Mourrieras

              CX-Impact alapítója és igazgatója

              Olivier Mourrieras (CCXP) ugyanolyan szenvedélyes az ügyfelek iránt, mint az eredmények felé. Szenior igazgatóként több mint 12 éven keresztül olyan ügyfélközpontú radikális változás programokat vezetett, amelyekkel az Orange és az E.ON vállalatokban látványos ügyfél eredményeket ért el (átlagosan évi 10 pont NPS).

              Olivier a párizsi székhelyű CX-Impact segítségével személyre szabott tanácsadást és coaching támogatást nyújt azoknak a vezetőknek, akik szeretnék elindítani, felgyorsítani vagy újraindítani az ügyfélélmény stratégiáikat.

              Olivier szakmai múltja customer service és operation területekhez kapcsolódik, ami nagyon praktikus és lendületes megközelítést kölcsönöz szemléletének, és különösen annak, hogyan kell meghatározni az ügyfélközpontú elképzeléseket, hogyan kell ezeket átültetni az ügyfelek kiszolgálásába, megcélozni a fejlesztési területeket és frissíteni az ügyfélközpontú vállalati stratégiát, hogy fenntartható legyen a kiemelkedő színvonal.

              Benoit Rengade

              CEO & Founder, CX Elements; AFM Telethon Board Member

              Benoit has been serving as Voice of Customer Director for Michelin Group from the creation of this role in 2016 to 2022. In 2021, under the sponsorship of the Executive Committee, he drove Michelin to develop and deploy a training on sustainability specially designed for Salespeople.

              Benoit has served in several senior sales functions between 2000 and 2016, primarily in B2B markets, notably in the Nordics, Japan and Korea. Benoit regularly teaches Customer Experience at Essec Executive Education (Paris) and Hochschule Wirtschaft Zürich. Prior to joining Michelin, he spent 4 years in New Caledonia in the tuna fishing industry, and 3 years in business development functions at Total Petroleum.

              Benoit is also Vice President of a major French charity, AFM-Telethon, involved in medical research and gene therapy.

              Benoit is a BAIN & COMPANY Independent Advisor.

              Szabó Balázs

              CX Factory alapítója, CX Impact Partnere

              Szabó Balázs (CCXP) egyike azoknak a ritka szakembereknek, akik kombinálják a szaktudást és a tapasztalatot olyan szakterületekről, mint a LEAN | Six Sigma, az ügyfélélmény és a digitális fejlesztés.

              • Az ügyfelet a működés középpontjába állítva elősegíti az egész szervezet transzformációját.
              • Service design elvek alkalmazása új szolgáltatások és termékek megvalósításában vagy az alapvető üzleti folyamatok újra tervezésében.
              • Időt, költségeket és pazarlást takaríthat meg a legújabb Lean Six Sigma eszközök és technikák felhasználásával.
              • Nagy „change-management” programok vezetése többfunkciós csapatok és szervezetek bevonásával komplex vállalati környezetben.

              Masterclass Paris 2021

              Masterclass Bucharest 2021